Sunday, October 25, 2015


Who: Ephesos and Daphnis
What: Temple of Apollo
When: 300 BCE
Where: Didyma, Turkey
Why: ionic and Corinthian, the columns of the peristyle were ionic, 2 chambers in the east chamber were Corinthian.
How: stone

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


What: Caryatids south porch
When: 421-405 BCE
Where: Erechtheion
Why: flexibility of living body
How: marble


Who: Phidias
What: 3 goddesses
When: 438-432 BCE
Where: Parthenon
Why: variation of surface and play of light and shade
How: marble


Who: Phidias
What: Athena Parthenos
When: 438 BCE
Where: Parthenon
Why: Model of the lost chryselephantine statue
How: gold, ivory
Which: fully armed and holds (victory) Nike in her hand


Who: Pelopsand Oinomaos
What: Chariot Race
When: 470-456 BCE
Where: temple of Zeus Parthenon, Olympia, Greece
Why: tells a sad between Pelops and Oinomoas
How: marble


Who: Guillaume Abel Blouet
What: Temple of Aphaia
When: 500-490 BCE
Where: Aegina, Greece
Why: figures life size and all consistent in scale, Athena in middle
How: marble
Which: battle of the Greeks and Trojans


Who: Exekias
What: Achilles and Ajax
When: 540-530 BCE
Where: Vulci, Italy
Why: calm before the storm
How: amphora
Which: playing dice game


What: Kouros (boy)
When: 600 BCE
Where: Attica, Greece
Why: copy the Egyptians
How: marble
Which: emulates the stance of Egyptian statues


What: Orientalizing amphora
When: 625-600 BCE
Where: Rhodes, Greece
Why: Greek fascination with the orient
How: black figure amphora

Connects to the orient style


Who: Exekias
What: Achilles killing Penthesilea
When: 540-530 BCE
Where: Vulci, Italy 
How: black figure amphora

Dying Gaul

Who: Epigonos
What: Dying Gaul
When: 230-220 BCE
Where: Greece 
Why: represent defeat from another with strong power
How: Marble
Which: dying warrior at Temple of Aphaia at Aegina

Tomb of the Diver

What: Tomb of the Diver
When: 480-470 BCE
Where: Paestum, Italy
Why: coffin-like tombs
How: stone
Which: plunge from this life to next


Who: King Erechtheus
What: Erechtheion
When: 421-405 BCE
Where: Acropolis, Athens, Greece
Why: replace Archaic Athena temple
How: stone
Which: honor Athena

Kritios Boy

Who: Polykleitos
What: Kritios Boy
When: 480 BCE
Where: Acropolis, Athens, Greece
Why: polykleios cannon, contrapposto (moving)
How: Marble

Geographic Krater

pg 106
Who: honoring the dead
What: Dipylon Krater
When: 740 BCE
Where: Dipylon Cemetery, Athens, Greece
Why: honor of the deceased
How: Ceramic

Monday, October 19, 2015

Francois Vase

Who: Kleitias and Ergotimos
What: Francois Vase
When: 570 BCE
Where: Chiusi, Italy
Why: tells stories on each registers
How: Ceramic
Which: new kind of krater, black figure krater

Peplos Kore

What: Peplos Kore
When: 530 BCE
Where: Acropolis/Athena, Greece
Why: represent a goddess, Athena
How: Marble
Which: Depicting Goddess (unknown)


Who: Polykleitos
What: Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
When: 450-440 BCE
Where: Pompeii
Why: portray perfect man, angles, Pythagorean intervals
How: Marble
Which: inspired as model for roman athletes


Who: Athanadoros, Hagesandrosm, Polydoros
What: Head of Odysseus
When: 1st century CE
Where: Italy
Why: made for a grotto for Emperor Tiberius
How: Marble
Which: Hellenistic masterpiece depicting Lagoon and only son


Who: Iktinos
What: Parthenon/Acropolis
When: 447-438 BCE
Where: Athens, Greece
Why: design a building with perfect proportions
How: limestone
Which: the goddess Athena and Athenian people